What the Best Dancers Do Differently

Published in
3 min readSep 28, 2015

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Great dancers do things differently.

Great dancers do things differently.[/caption]

As dancers –we all know someone who’s better.

And that’s ok –there’s nothing wrong with having someone that you look up to and aspire to be like. The truth is that for most of us, there will always be someone that we feel is better –even people that we admire have someone that they aspire to be like as well.

Being a great dancer starts in the mind. Great dancers have a different way of thinking –and a different way of doing things. If you’re wondering how that dancer that you admire came to be so great, here’s a look at some things that great dancers know –and do.

Believe They Can

One important thing that separates exceptional dancers from everybody else is that great dancers believe that they can do it. It’s important to believe that you can improve, and recognize that you have the ability to reach your goals.

Analyze Themselves

Watching themselves dance is something that pro dancers do a lot of. Be it in the mirror –or on video, watching yourself dance is a great way to see yourself as others see you and allows you to identify areas that need work. It will take some time –but before long, you will be watching yourself and critiquing yourself –and noticing an improvement.

Improve Fitness

Working to improve your strength and balance is one of the best things you can do for yourself as a dancer. The better your fitness level, the more moves you’ll be able to do.

Overcome Excuses

Excuses are plenty! Not enough time, not good enough, no motivation –there are plenty of excuses that crowd our minds and discourage us from practicing. Overcoming these hang-ups is an important step in becoming a better dancer. Excuses can be a challenge to dancers at all levels, but great dancers are able to overcome them because they know that without practice, they won’t improve.

Challenge Themselves

Great dancers are always up for a challenge. Instead of looking for easy moves, they seek out ones that are difficult and challenging. Pushing yourself to do difficult things will help you to improve, and will allow you to accomplish so much more than you ever thought possible.

Have a Good Support System

Great dancers recognize the importance of having a solid support system. Having a support system: family and friends who support your dancing can help you to get ahead. If your family and friends aren’t supportive, it’s important to seek out others who have your back, and will help to spur you on in your dancing career. Finding a mentor or instructor who encourages, challenges, and corrects you can make a huge difference in your dancing and will encourage you to go on when things get tough.

Strive to Be Better

Finally, the one thing that the best dancers realize –is that they can always strive to be better. Regardless of how good you might be, there will always be a new level of excellence that you can reach for. Constantly striving for excellence It is something that dancers of all levels should strive for, setting the bar high is a great way to encourage yourself to improve.

The next time you think about a dancer better than you –don’t be discouraged by thinking of how far you have to go –instead, try to realize that they got to where they’re at with hard work and perseverance. By following in their steps, you’ll see results.

What else do great dancers do differently? Share your thoughts in the comments!

Image: gregory.ackland

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