Why Dance Instructors need to Start an Email List

Published in
3 min readJul 6, 2015

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Email marketing is a great way for dance studios to expand their reach –and fill their classes.

Email marketing is a great way for dance studios to expand their reach –and fill their classes.[/caption]

While rumor has it that email is dead –the facts show otherwise.

Everywhere you go, you are asked for your email. When setting up new accounts, signing up for promotions, or logging into an already existing account there is one thing that you consistently need: an email address!

Many of us check our emails first thing in the morning, and periodically throughout the day. Email is not dead –it’s very much alive, and an email newsletter can be an important part of your marketing strategy.

Email can be help to keep you on your customers’ radar, and is a great way to promote your classes, and increase bookings. For many customers, it’s the preferred method of communication. In fact, seventy-seven percent of all consumers prefer email-based communication.

If you’re looking for some strategies to promote your studio, an email list may be just what you need to fill your classes and gain new students. Read on to discover some benefits of an email list –find out if your dance studio could benefit from one.

Email is an Excellent Form of Direct Marketing

While many people are less picky about who they follow on Facebook and other social media sites, they’re generally much more discriminate about who they allow in their inbox! Someone who gives you their email address and signs up for your newsletter is willing to hear what you have to say. Customers who are on your email list are more likely to follow your advice, signup for your classes, or click on the links you send. This allows you to create messages that are more targeted –designed specifically for those who are willing to hear your message.

With Email Marketing, You’re In Control

When you think about it, very few things are in your control. With an email mailing list, you are in control over your message –and more specifically, who it reaches. Unlike Facebook, which changed its policy limiting the number of followers that a business’ posts reach, with email you can be certain that each of your subscribers receives your message!

Email Allows You to Reach a Larger Audience

The bigger your email mailing list, the wider your reach –and your potential reach too. You should look at each person on your email mailing list as a potential for additional subscribers. If each of your subscribers shared your email with just two of their friends, your email list would triple! To encourage signups, consider offering incentives to your subscribers for referring a friend, as well as rewarding each friend who signs up.

An Email List Helps to Build Your Credibility

You might be the most talented dance instructor, or have the best dance studio in the country –but if no one has heard of you, that’s not enough to fill your studio. Having a bigger email list allows you to increase your credibility and positions you as a professional in your field. Publicizing the number of email subscribers that you have tells others that you are worth listening to, and encourages more people to sign up and see what all the buzz is about!

Email Marketing Is More Personal

Finally, email can be personal, friendly, and casual. It forms a great avenue for you to gain and build trust with your clients. Personal interaction can go a long way towards building lifelong customers.

Even your most devoted fans won’t be checking out your blog or Instagram account every day, but many people check their email at least once a day, if not more. What better way to reach out and connect with customers?

Send out tips, instruction, insight, and information on the industry –make it relevant and make it interesting to encourage others to sign up.

Have you considered starting an email mailing list? What are your thoughts on email vs. social media? Share with us in the comments!

Image: teo_ladodicivideo

For more information on dance lessons or to get involved with a dance studio in your area visit DanceHub. Discover dance studios, dance instructors, and dance classes near you.

