A Gentle Reminder

Buddhi Ruparathna
Dancing Elephants Press
2 min readJan 13, 2024

For your soul


We all deserve kindness. We will never know the hardships that everyone has to go through, the battles that they have to fight, or the sorrows or the heartbreaks that they have to endure. Be kind to the little furry souls you meet on the way because we will ever know whether they have eaten in days or the times they escaped from the angry thrashings of the not so kind human souls. It always doesn’t have to be big things.

Even a little smile, a kind word, or a pat on the back will mean a lot to others even though we don’t have any idea. Do not forget yourself as well. Take one gentle step at a time to soothe your soul. Let’s go of the tight heartbreaking emotions you are holding in with so much effort inside with a meltdown.

Take a break if you feel your soul is painfully hurting from the times you have to put on a fake smile, instead of letting out what your heart is actually feeling. Take a walk outside in the blissful nature and remind yourself that there’s a beautiful world out there which is refreshing for your soul.

Sit down with a refreshing lemonade and while indulging realize that life can indeed be a delightful and peaceful ride.

Warm hugs
Buddhi Ruparathna

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Buddhi Ruparathna
Dancing Elephants Press

Making the world a better place with inspirational, mindful & happy thought pieces, tips & poems.