A History Of Prepperism and Emergency Preparedness In The 1980s — 90s

How to prepare for difficult times

Dancing Elephants Press
4 min readJun 8, 2024


Prepperism — Photo by Kate Trifo on Unsplash

Hey there. My name is Lewis Harrison, and I am a proponent of the PLSS (the “prepper, lifehacking, simple living, and survivalism) lifestyle. What my friend Dr. Gabriella Korosi calls Emergency Management.

Though an optimist by nature, I believe it is important to pragmatically and sensibly strategize, prepare, survive, and prosper (and even help others) when extremely bad things happen to us and to those around us.

More than ever, many of us are resonating with this idea of simplifying our lives and being prepared for various challenges that may confront us. Many of us are thinking of going back to the land and living a more intentionally balanced, simple, and holistic lifestyle. Some even speak of going off-grid.

Because of climate change and scenarios like Hurricane Katrina, in New Orleans, and storms in Puerto Rico, as well as weak, incompetent, and late responses from FEMA and the U.S. Government, many people have decided to prepare for the worst. Add to this the water shortage in the Western United States, rising water levels, and flooding…



Dancing Elephants Press

Book author: Self-Improvement, design, life lesson, AI, travel, health, life, business, politics, love, lifestyle, mental health, entrepreneurism - askLewis.com