Life | Trust

A Journey of Living With Trust Issues

Overcoming barriers in the relationship

Sahil Patel
Dancing Elephants Press


Photo by Miriam G on Unsplash

Trust is a backbone on which all the relationships are based. It is an element that creates a lifetime of strong relationships. The trust provides comfort in a relationship.

Trust is very fragile. Building trust takes a lot of time. However, it takes a second to break it. When trust is broken, it not only breaks the relationship but also breaks the person mentally.

I have been dealing with trust issues since my childhood. When a friend broke a promise, or any family member hid something from me. Those things are minor. However, they left some scars on me.

My heart broke when one of my dearest childhood friends broke my trust. He was my BFF, and I never thought he would do something bad to me. We used to eat, play, sleep, and even travel together. We both were very understanding of each other. We both share everything with each other, from our secrets to our weaknesses.

I had great memories of my life with him, such as countless shared experiences, inside jokes, and memories.

It was the best time of my life and the best friendship I had. No matter how small the betrayal is, it affects the person mentally.

Living with trust issues is not easy; it’s emotionally draining. When you meet every person, your heart wants to trust, but your mind forces you to doubt. This leads to constantly overthinking and analyzing motives.

I isolate myself from others to avoid betrayal. I can’t be able to open up easily with anyone. Sometimes, I even had the guilt of doubting my loved ones.

Living with trust issues is a big barrier to making deep and meaningful relationships with my loved ones.

I am on the journey of forgiving and letting go. However, I still need to make many improvements.

I know that many people give me this advice: give people a chance and trust them. However, it’s not easy for a person who constantly faces betrayal. My fear holds me back when I try to trust. However, I am trying my best. I wish that one day, I will find someone who makes me believe again in trust and true relationships.

