A Walk to a RUN — A Revelation

Dr Divyang Sadhwani
Dancing Elephants Press
4 min readAug 8, 2024
The Jogging Path in my neighborhood- Photo by author

Running is tough. Even a long walk is sometimes a task. I tend to go for a slow Jog in the evening once a week, most likely a Sunday.

Recently, I went for a walk, around 6:30 pm. The sun was an amber glow, just visible above the horizon, still whole; Illuminating the streaks of white clouds around, painting them in its simmering golden hue; The last few minutes of glow of the day; Shining till its disappearing moment, the setting sun is a sight to behold.

I switched on my playlist, and Mark Eliyahu’s “ENDLESS” started playing in my ears — An honest Melody, unadulterated by words, playing its magic inside me, letting my emotions ride the waves it generates.

I closed my eyes for a few moments, walking, and the tempo picked up, as smoothly as a slow downhill slide… as soon as I opened my eyes, I realised my pace had increased, and I had started to run — No warm-up, no jog, but a true abrupt run, matching the pace of the music — How from a walk, I felt the urge to run — To run ahead, pushing my body ahead on the tarmac, every second I leaped ahead, onwards.

The thinning crowd around, people talking to each other, couples walking hand in hand — all vanishing. Nothing else mattered anymore except my running.

I looked ahead, the road seemed never-ending. I looked above, the sun was setting, still glowing — A full sphere hiding behind the clouds, the clouds overpowering, a light drizzle starting to cool the air around — It was a wondrous moment — The music in my ears, shutting out the outside noise, and I felt nothing more than the breaths I laboured to fill myself with. And with each breath, I leaped forward.

A couple of minutes later, the headphones fell off from my ears, and I heard my breathing; It was enchanting, it was uplifting, because I felt my body laboring, and yet my feet refused to give up — that was the power of the mind over the body, pushing it further and further, and that is the effect of nature, and music — It moves your soul.

It’s a task to come for a walk, and yet its rewards are known only by those who do it. I came for a walk, and I ended up running.

My legs hurt when I had finally stopped, not accustomed to such active ordeals ever so often, and yet I walked on slowly writing this, because I can’t put into words why exactly I felt happier, why exactly I ran but through these words erupting from an emotionally rejuvenated mind, I hoped to find exactly what happened, what switch had flipped inside me.

The sun, the birds, the sleeping stray dogs raising their heads to watch me pass by, the music — Did all this unlock something within me, or was it just me all the way? I don’t know; But I know what a human soul can achieve when it comes in touch with nothing but pure beauty. The soul, can awaken, and find its vigor.

Run ahead, for it’s a bliss to feel free when nothing else matters. Neither the turning heads of people nor the aching feet. Neither does the time, the dripping sweat, the long road ahead, nothing at all. It’s all in that one moment — One moment worth of life at a time, one breath at a time; nothing else matters because, in that moment, I live for myself.

My First 10k run, December 2023- Author’s photo

Imagine, if only we lived each day like that; If only… Next to impossible I believe, with all the social obligations and goals and duties that come with being human, but then that is why these few moments in a day when one feels like this, in connection with oneself, when nothing else in the world matters except for their existence, become enriching moments.

I implore you to create these moments, I mean it — make them - by connecting with nature, your hobbies, meditating, writing, dancing, cooking — whatever works for you. Live such moments, whatever connects you with yourself. Each day. It’s a busy world, a busy life. It’s important to not lose oneself amidst all these.

Hope you liked the post. Recently, I read a very elegant poem by Daniel Crain — Only I Can Travel This Road. Published in Dancing Elephants Press. I don’t know him per se, but his piece resonated with me, hence the mention. Do check it out :)

. ✍ — Published by Dr. Preeti Singh at Dancing Elephants Press. Click here for submission guidelines.



Dr Divyang Sadhwani
Dancing Elephants Press

Surgical oncology resident. Reader. Observer. Learning to be Human.