AI vs HI —Is AI Denying Us Of Our Rights To Freedom Of Choice

DEP Book Project — Letter of Intent

Annelise Lords
Dancing Elephants Press
5 min readJan 14, 2024


AI is forced upon us because some poor countries play follow the leader with their people’s lives, mental health, sanity, survival, and existence!

Image by Annelise Lords

To the Editors of DEP — AI affects different countries and their people in different ways. This is how it affects mine. This is my letter of intent.

AI vs. HI book project letter of intent.

AI is forced upon us because some poor countries are playing follow the leader with their people’s lives, mental health, sanity, living, survival, existence, and hope for a positive future, without thought, regard, care, or feeling.

AI isn’t introduced to us. It’s rammed down our throats without water, warning, enough knowledge, or understanding. It’s used as a weapon of intimidation by banks forcing us to get bank cards and online banking, using machines most don’t understand, thus robbing us of our rights to freedom of choice.

Many homes have no internet services or cannot afford a computer.

How it’s introduced to Jamaicans a fight to stop its progress is growing across Jamaica. Distrust is at the top and center because of scamming and the authorities are unable to solve…

