An Interview With My Masters: #1 — What is Love?

From the teachings of Nabir

Dancing Elephants Press
7 min readOct 22, 2023


Over the last 72 years, as a spiritual seeker, I’ve encountered many important teachers, mentors, and coaches. As I sat in front of, worked with, and studied with all these generous and magnificent teachers, I kept voluminous notes.

Over the last decade, I began organizing all of the notes I had accumulated from listening to these amazing teachers.

In time, I merged the essential, universal lessons they offered, and created a series of dialogues conversations or discussions to openly explore ideas, especially to resolve a physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual problem.

Dialogues, rather the debates were of great interest to me. This was a method of communication I had studied in college where I spent a semester reading and exploring the Dialogues of Plato (about his teacher Socrates).

Ultimately, I merged the teachings I had absorbed over five and a half decades into a type of Socratic dialogue.

Here, I created a fictional teacher named Nabir (Nanak-Kabir). A sort of general wisdom teacher. Through Medium stories, he would offer wisdom. This was wisdom I had drawn a bit from each of the teachers I studied with, or who had…



Dancing Elephants Press

Book author: Self-Improvement, design, life lesson, AI, travel, health, life, business, politics, love, lifestyle, mental health, entrepreneurism -