An Interview With My Masters: The Quantum Taco

Dancing Elephants Press
7 min readNov 13, 2023


From the teachings of Nabir

From the course

Nabir was my spiritual teacher and mentor concerning the ways of the world. The things I learned from him, over half a century, have been the foundation for my meaningful, and very successful life.

Here is an introduction to Nabir and his teachings.

In one of his talks, he spoke about the concept of information funnels, or portals. He explained them as such.

“Life is built for the most part at least in the external world on the gathering, organizing, defining, and the application of information. What scientists call data points. We can certainly survive on superficial information. But many of us have a hunger to go a bit deeper and wider. For that, I look to create something unique for you. What I call information portals or funnels.”

He spoke of how, normally, portals are two-way paths. You can go in, and you can come out. Information portals are also two way but what goes in is always different from that which comes out.

“Here, we are dealing with knowledge (data points), and once you go into any area, especially one of great interest to you, you will be as transformed by it as much as Biblical Adam was transformed after he bit that Apple of Knowledge.”

This talk really got us thinking, and the Q & A session this particular night was lively and had a lovely, Zen, counter-intuitive sensibility about it.

Here is the Q & A session that followed that talk.

Q. What special skills are required to go into the type of portal you are describing here?

A. None. Only your natural curiosity

Q. What would be an example of the specific type of portal you are describing here?

A. A Taco!

Q. Tacos? Like bean tacos, cheese tacos, etc.

A. Yes.

Q. Please explain?

A. Nabir asks. Tell me what a Taco is?

Student Answers: I guess it’s a folded, fried or baked torilla, usually stuffed with ingredients like seasoned meat, beans, cheese, lettuce, and tomatoes.

Nabir asks: Where is it from?

Student answers: Latin America, probably Mexico.

Nabir adds: You just entered the Tortilla Portal. Better fasten your seatbelts. This may be a bumpy, and hot, cultural, culinary, and history ride.

The room burst out in laughter.

Nabir continues. Now let’s take this basic tortilla. What is it? Why did it come to be? What is its history? Under what circumstances did it develop, and by who, and where? What were the struggles of the people who first developed it? How far did it spread from its origins. Was it’s development in any way tied to avocado farming or any of the other foods tied to tacos? What industries developed from it, how did taco making affect or absorb ideas from other cultures?

When Nabir decided upon a subject for one of the Friday Night Classes, we were never warned that he might be taking us down one of these information portals. Often, during his talks he would intentionally use words from other languages, knowing that many of us would start Googling those words or terms as soon as he said them. He seemed glad that we did.

Here a portal might be an information portal or a spiritual portal, but the information might come fast and furious.

We would all have our little smart devices with us, and as soon as he told us something new, everybody would jump on their little cell phones to Wiki or Google the topic. Nabir supported us in doing this. He would often use unfamiliar words and terms intentionally. Not too technical, but technical enough that we might not be aware of it. Googling the word or term might quickly lead us down some portal, so we might understand what he was saying with greater clarity.

As part of the conversation concerning portals, and specifically the taco portal, a question was asked concerning the idea that two opposing things might both be true?

Q. Can you talk about right and wrong?

A. No. I don’t even know what that term means. I know what it means to be ethical, or kind, or empathetic, or even compassionate. But right or wrong. This is a very dualistic way of thinking, and is definitely a mind prison.

Q. Mind prison?

A. It a way of organizing ideas, and concepts as if they are true, when they may not be. Think of every cognitive bias, information bias, and logical fallacy, as a brick. Now what we often do is take these thought or mental bricks, and build a psychological prison out of them. Then we lock ourselves inside this prison, that we have built, and then throw away the key. Now we can’t escape.

Q. How are we to think then? I would think there would be correct answers to some questions.

A. There are. But, they need not be “either”, “or”. This or that. This going to be a portal, but a useful one. In mathematics and the formal sciences this is often called Three Valued Logic, or Multi-valued logic. a type of logic that allows for more than two truth values. In traditional two-valued logic, statements are either true or false. In multi-valued logic, statements can have more than two possible truth values.

Q. How many types multi-valued logics are there?

A. There are a number of types including including: Mathematical logic (The most commonly understood form), ternary logic (which has three truth values), fuzzy logic (which allows for partial truth values between 0 and 1), quantum logic (which is used to model quantum systems), and combinatory logic (used in computer science).

Q. Why is this concept of Multi-valued logic even useful in daily life?

A. It can be useful in situations where two-valued logic is insufficient to represent a phenomenon accurately. For example, in fuzzy logic, a statement like “the temperature is hot” can have a truth value of 0.8, indicating that it is partially true but not completely true. In quantum logic, the truth value of a statement can depend on the state of the system (paradigm) being measured.

Consider, that when you go into a sky-scraper, into a tunnel under a river, a bridge, working in artificial intelligence, or even at a performance of Cirque de Soliel you are watching multi-valued logic in action. Multi-valued logic is used in a variety of fields, including computer science, mathematics, physics, and engineering. It allows for more nuanced and complex reasoning and can be used to model complex systems that are difficult to represent using traditional binary, “yes” or “no” two-valued logic.

Q. Can this be applied to PEEPPASA, you concept of being ever more Practical, Effective, Efficient, Productive, Precise, Accurate, and Self-aware?

A. Yes! Whenever you are asking about something being “more effective” than another, it really depends on what the goals of the task are. There is something called Paraconsistent logic. This is a way to reason about inconsistent information without lapsing into absurdity. In a non-paraconsistent logic, inconsistency becomes a constraint to the system. If there is even one constraint, “one flaw in the machine” then the machine shuts down. This is what happens when one screw is loose and you car breaks down in a highway.

Paraconsistent logic on the other hand is extremely effective at processing induced belief-like information because with this way of thinking you can bypass, and even correct a constraint by sorting and comparing multiple consistent sets, even those with some inconsistent information in them.

Q. How complex does all this get?

A. It can lead you down a very deep and multi-layered portal where macro and micro environments may require diffeirnt types of logic. Sort of a Quantum Taco. Which is where we began isn’t it


More on this next week.

With this he smiled, arose, and the class ended.

Here is a Medium story on this subject @ali

Here is one from the archives @LewisCoaches

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Author: Lewis Harrison is a Manifestation Coach, and a professional blog and copywriter.

He is the creator of the Ask Lewis Mentoring Method as well as HAGT — Harrison’s Applied Game Theory. He is the Executive Director of the International Association of Healing Professionals an educational organization that offers programs around the world in Intentional Living. He is also Independent Scholar, with a passion for knowledge, personal development, self-improvement, creativity, innovation, and problem-solving. You can read all of his Medium stories at

For a decade, Lewis was the host of a humor-based Q & A talk show on NPR (National Public Radio) affiliated WIOX FM in NY.

To learn more about studying with me, email me at

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