Are You Aware of How You Respond?

Series: Reflections on Life _Story #3

Umme Salma
Dancing Elephants Press
2 min readJul 10, 2023


Image by Andrea Piacquadio on

A few days ago, I was hurt by my in-law’s behavior. I feel like reacting, insulting her. At that very moment, my phone rang. One of my mentors and guides, my uncle, called me. He guessed by hearing my voice that I was not okay. When he asked, I told him briefly about the situation. His words were so eye-opening for me. He said:

“ When anybody tries to hurt you, try not to reply immediately. You may feel the urge to say whatever you feel like instantly. Yet, give it a pause, and go to sujood first (talk to the Almighty) and see the change for the better.”

He continued :
“Say, O My lord, you know everything, and then pour your heart towards him. Ask for solutions from Him.

After some time, you will see your rage, sadness, and negative thoughts will be wiped out or minimized. You will not feel the urge to reply harshly. You will see their negative words have no value in your life.”

After that, I try not to reply to any negativity immediately. I take my time, and if needed, reply after a pause (in the meantime, I remember Almighty and ask His help to respond responsibly, meaningfully, and strategically.)

Our Words Define Who We Are

Our words represent our thoughts, upbringing, mannerisms, education and social background, and whatnot.
What people are doing, we have no control over that.
However, how are we reacting to others’ negative words, acts, or attitudes? It’s in our hands.
When people do or say something that bothers us, we often feel the urge to reply instantly without thinking what we are saying.
Is there a need to say anything back?
Or, what words or tone to reply politely so that others don’t get hurt or offended?

By doing this, you will salvage your words, and your positive spirit.

I would love to shoutout

I thank all the Dancing Elephant Press editors for allowing me to pour my heart here.

Best regards,

Umme Salma.

