Assumptions On Life Now by People From the 1960s

Were they correct? Here are their opinions on life and homes in the 2000s given to you to make you step back in time and see our progress.

Dancing Elephants Press
4 min readDec 5, 2023


Photo by weston m on Unsplash

Daily life is something that changes a lot, and many factors lead to that change. In the 1960s, there were a lot of things to worry about, like women's rights, world peace, nuclear wars, and economic decline. But those are just the tip of the iceberg of many people's creative ideas about life now. Here are some ideas the kids living in the 1960s had on life in the 2000s.

In the year 2000 I will probably be in spaceships on the moon dictating robots to robots, or I may be in charge of a robot court judging some robots.

While this might have seemed like fantasy at the time, we have made some similar achievements. One thing is that we have gone to the moon once so far, but not to fight robots. But going to the moon is no easy feat, it deals with a lot of problems with money and the environment of space. This was said by a kid in 1966, a few years after Former President John F. Kennedy stated his speech “We choose to go to the Moon” in 1962.

I don’t like the idea of sort of getting out and finding you’ve got a cabbage pill to eat for breakfast or something.

While this may be seen as being gross, it is something that exists and for a good cause too. Food Pill INC. is a company that has food pills, a lot like this speaker described. But the main difference is that the pills from Food Pill INC. are created to help people lose weight and be healthy by making them not feel hungry after eating the pill. While a lot of ethical questions may fill your mind, it is still great that humans have not made this as the only way to consume food, but rather a way to help certain people.

They’re not going to have so many square houses you know. More curves and artistic designs instead of a just sort of boxes like they’ve got nowadays.

Architectural designs are great historical pieces for understanding certain time periods, and philosophical ideas people had during that time. In the 21st century, we have some inspiring architecture like the Burj Khalifa, which will remain as a timestamp, but this technology and engineering has been added to some houses too. While all of us might not live in a house that implements all these ideas, think of all the things you do have now that have taken your house away from a simple box.

Photo by Daniel Norris on Unsplash

Homes are important parts of everyone’s life, and a film made in 1967 shows 1967’s assumptions on the design of a house in 1999 and beyond. Further along in the film, certain parts came to be shockingly true.

Personalized Teaching Systems

This film predicted that there will be computer learning systems for kids. In the film, they show an example of an 8-year-old named James who is shown using this technology. They believed the lessons to be audio and visual.

Photo by Compare Fibre on Unsplash

This is a lot like how we have Khan Academy and IXL which are online learning and practicing websites for children to use. It may have seemed questionable to learn from technology in the 1960s but it has proven useful to many students around the world. Learning from online websites and courses is actually a great invention because it allows people to access more information while being at home.

Online Chess

Photo by Piotr Makowski on Unsplash

The concept of online chess play is surprising to have been predicted in the 1960s as online chess has become such a huge phenomenon for the 21st century which has resulted in many websites and competitions for it.

Alan Turing wrote the first computer code for the first online chess program in 1950. But the first online chess server designed for chess was done in 1992 which was known as ICS or Internet Chess Club. Then the first chess website was created in 1995 on a website called

While predicting online chess might not seem like a huge achievement, it just comes to show how much people dream and work to make that a reality.

Somebody must have come up with the idea of making all these ideas possible, and many people at different times, felt the same way eventually leading us to where we are right now. With this look back on time, we get to see how our imagination combines with our passion which teaches us to continue creating, innovating, and helping.

Check out the resources used to research this article

📼Kids predicting life in the year 2000:

📼1960’s film on predicting the home of 2000s:

📼 Nasa John F. Kennedy’s speech:

📼Food Pill INC.:

📼National Geographic astronaut photo:

📼Basto Vido disposable plate photo:

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