Chosen Love: A Poem

When the love is…easy

Garima Sharma
Dancing Elephants Press
2 min readJan 4, 2024


Photo by Natalia Sobolivska on Unsplash

In his rough voice, he claims, “I am.”

And in that moment, I kiss him, my love at its peak,

His arms embrace me, holding me tight,

Lifting me up, onto my tiptoes, feeling so light.

I bury my face in his shoulder, eyes closed,

Breathing in his scent, so pure and clean,

The smell of wind, of freedom and dreams,

In his presence, a love story unfolds, it seems.

Once, I believed love was a random fall,

No choice in the matter, no say at all,

But this love, it’s different, it’s something more,

A choice we make, every day at our core.

I fell in love with him, that’s true,

But I stay with him, not out of default or due,

I choose him, each morning as I awake,

Through fights and lies, we mend and remake.

I choose him, and he chooses me,

A bond that’s strong, a love that’s free,

Together we arrive at a place so divine,

In his arms, our love forever will shine.

Hope you liked the poem.

Read this inspirational post by Dancing Elephant author James Boylan

🧘‍♀️ “Calm” 📖 🎉✨ Imagine experiencing a new level of understanding and self-awareness 🤓🌟 Imagine feeling empowered 💪 to handle every challenge coming your way with grace and ease 😎 Imagine the person you could be, filled with hope 🙏, energy 💪 and fulfillment 🤗 Buying this book is the first step ⏭️ to experiencing a level of calm 🌊 that feels like an ocean of tranquility washing over you 🏖️🌴. 📚💛



Garima Sharma
Dancing Elephants Press

Words on self-love, self-worth, finding magic in everyday moments and trusting you are wildly deserving.