Connecting with My Father’s Legacy
Our parents are invaluable treasures. Cherish and spend time with them whenever you can, for having parents is like possessing a gold mine.
Growing up, my father was a mystery to me. I only have to look at his black-and-white and sepia images today.
He passed away just one and a half months after I was born, leaving a void that I felt but never fully understood. I never had the chance to know him, to see his smile, to hear his voice, or to share those precious moments that every daughter dreams of.
As a result, my childhood was spent moving from one relative’s house to another, always seeking a sense of belonging. My mother died when I was six years old and she fell sick after my father died. Yes, she was ill for 6 years, that long. Perhaps she does not want to die, she does not want to leave us.
I remember her being on a hard floor lying and suffering and all I could do was just watch her sitting down next to her. Thinking about it today, I feel the pain. That kind of pain of helplessness. I feel angry, I do not know why. I think because if this is happening today in front of my eyes, I would do everything in my power to provide her with the best doctor in the world possible.