Dancing Elephant Press Community — 2

DR Rawson - The Possibilist
Dancing Elephants Press
4 min readOct 15, 2023



Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash modified by the Author.

How do you feel when someone smiles at you? It’s tough not to smile back. Why is that? Because that’s the way the human brain is wired. Let’s look at another example. Try holding an angry thought in your mind and smiling simultaneously. It can’t be done. You cannot hold two emotions within your being at the same time. Why? Someone or some situation (a discussion for another time) created that. Why?


You’re either happy, or you’re not. You’re either angry, or you’re not. Are there degrees in between those two points? Of course. That’s the zone most of us are in all the time. How do we change it? We change using our free will to DECIDE to be happy. Or sad.

I’ve gone through multiple periods in my life when I was just sad. Then, out of nowhere, came someone with a smile. What a relief.

It’s our hope that what you read here gives you a smile. Maybe even comic relief. LOL. If we want to help and support each other, pass out smiles. They don’t cost you anything; if you’re not already smiling, you will. Cost nothing + Huge benefit = Win-Win.

Wait . . .There’s More

Our goal is positivity. O.K., so how exactly do we do this? I am so glad I asked.



DR Rawson - The Possibilist
Dancing Elephants Press

A retired serial entrepreneur, writer, author, and editor committed to the Human Intelligence movement. Please join us.