Dive Deep Down

Do you listen to the silence when the world dies down

LC Lynch
Dancing Elephants Press


A woman meditates on the floor with a peaceful look on her face
Photo by Jep Gambardella: Pexels

You have so many responsibilities and distractions that cause your brain to work overtime. Do you wait until you are completely burnt out before you give yourself time to recharge?

Meditation affects you on a physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual level. Tuning into your breath is a simple practice that creates profound results. You will be more clear-headed, productive, and happier when it becomes a habit.

The world is chaos
hectic chores all-day
and when you’re done
there’s still much to say

Never give yourself time
to turn it all off
keep going and going
until you’ve had enough

Do you listen to the silence when the world dies down
can you turn off the noise calm with no sound
do you breathe and look within when no one's around
because your life changes when you dive deep down

Staying distracted
looking at screens
forgetting what
life really means

Let your mind relax
finding your center
listen and heal
and your power enters



LC Lynch
Dancing Elephants Press

Freelance writer for spiritual entrepreneurs. Uplifting content to heal your mind, body, & soul.