Do You Use Social Media?

A poem traversing screens and souls

Dancing Elephants Press
3 min readJun 19, 2024


Photo by Alexander Shatov on Unsplash

Navigate the digital currents, but anchor yourself in the shores of human connection

Do you use social media?
A simple question indeed
A simple truth
Yes you do
Yes we all do
Entangled in its sprawling, infinite web

Do you disagree with it?
Don't you use social media?
Kudos! You are free and untamed

But what if I ask:
Do you rule social media?
Would your answer change?

Social media, the tyrant, the parasite
It rules and commands our lives
It dictates our emotions
And everything within

We are its puppets dancing to its faint song
We are the darkest shadows cast by glowing screens
Our laughter and tears fed by its relentless stream
It molds our thoughts with invisible hands
Guides our dreams with transparent strings

The feed is a river we drift upon
Carrying us to places unknown to any
We are those leaves caught in the current
Spiraling in eddies of likes and shares
Drowning in waves of curated perfection

Our worth measured in follows and hearts
Our voices ever-lost in a chaotic sea of noise
We speak but are not heard
We scream but are not seen
In this theater of digital reflections

Social media is a chameleon
Changing colors to match our desires
A mirror that distorts our reality
It is a beast that never sleeps but eats
Feeding on our time and our souls

Feels suffocated yet we return willingly
To this treacherous maze of pixels and posts
We surrender to its grasping clutches
Letting it shape us to conform
Letting it consume us voraciously

Do you use social media?
Yes you do
We all do
In this kingdom of illusions
We are subjects to its throne

Eons have passed, it discovered
Life away from the glowing screen beckons
Where sunlight paints truth on our faces
Sweet winds carry hidden stories
And clouds paint stories across the sky
Where laughter rings through valleys
Not through emoji reactions
Accept the tangible
Reclaim the real
Return to the heartbeat of real existence

In this domain of physical reality
Where touch is palpable
And words spoken face to face
Not through filtered lenses
Where hearts beat in rhythm
Not in algorithmic pulses

Here, time flows differently
Measured in moments of connection
In conversations that meander
Through the depths of human essence
Away from the crafted illusion

Yet, shadows of the digital realm
Follow us like ghosts
In the corners of our minds
Reminders of another existence
Where validation is instant
And solitude a rare luxury

But amidst the noise of notifications
We still find peace in placidity
In the simplicity of a shared gaze
In the warmth of a genuine smile
For in the end,
Reality beckons with its imperfections
Its rawness
Its authenticity

Do you use social media?
Yes you do
We all do
But in the balance between pixels and heartbeats
May we remember
To live beyond the screen
To reclaim moments lost
In the realm of touch and feeling
Step into Greatness — Do Something Great

Photo by Clark Tibbs on Unsplash

Suggested Readings from DEP:

Livin’, Lovin’, Lyin’, Losin’ | Wasn’t I wild enough to break my own heart? | LIN

Sunny Days | Living out your life with a grateful heart | LC Lynch

Timeless Movement in the Stream of Time — Truth, Beauty & Love | Nature laughs when she sees us — How we try to press life into small boxes | Karsten Ramser

✍🏽 — Published and Enjoyed by LIN at Dancing Elephants Press. Click here for submission guidelines. 🪄



Dancing Elephants Press

Poetic Dreamer | Faithful soul traveling with thoughts | Culture-loving seeker of wisdom & transcendence, here to learn & grow with words | 2^4+1