Does Every Step Matter?

Measuring the footprints…

Dancing Elephants Press
3 min readJun 26, 2024


Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.
~Maya Angelou

Photo by Belinda Fewings on Unsplash

Have you ever wondered about the impact of every decision you make? What if each step you take, every choice you make, shapes more than just your path? What do you think — does every step matter? Or is life a series of random movements, each without consequence?

Does it really matter if they laugh behind your back?
Or if you stand alone, under their attack?

Does it matter if you’re not in the lead?
Or if your dreams don’t always succeed?

Does it matter if you’re not like the rest?
Or if you stumble in your quest?

Does it matter if you’re seeking your truth?
Or if your faith is questioned by the youth?

Does it matter if your prayers seem unheard?
Or if your devotion is deemed absurd?

Does it matter if your path is solitary?
Or if your spiritual journey is contrary?

Does it matter if your peace is misunderstood?
Or if you strive for a greater good?

Does it matter if your heart feels heavy?
Or if your path is not always steady?

Does it matter if you took a detour?
Or if you struggled, unsure?

Do these things truly matter in the end?
When your life story starts to give a bend?

Sitting in a rocking chair, under the moon’s light
Will these worries seem as bright?

Now, here’s the question to truly measure
If these things don’t matter, where lies your treasure?

What will you choose to give your care?
What will fill your heart, your spirit’s flair?

Choose what brings you joy
where your soul is fed
For every step you take
each path you tread

Matters more than words or fears
More than doubts or silent tears

In the end
it’s what you make!
The love you give
the risks you take!

So, ask again, do you think it doesn’t matter?

Every step, each choice, shapes your life’s grand chapter.

We walk through life, but what if we leave no trace of our journey behind? What legacy will we have left for those who follow?

Photo by Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash



Dancing Elephants Press

Poetic Dreamer ♥️ | Faithful soul traveling with thoughts | Culture-loving seeker of wisdom and transcendence, here to learn, grow and be inspired by words