Does It Matter?

Garima Sharma
Dancing Elephants Press
2 min readJan 4, 2024


It doesn’t. Let me prove it to you.

Photo by Aiony Haust on Unsplash

Does it really matter if they don’t approve?

Or if they find you strange and out of the loop?

Does it really matter if they’re steps ahead?

Or if their success fills you with dread?

Does it matter what they do or say?

Does it truly matter at the end of the day?

Does it matter if money is tight?

Or if you indulged in holiday delights?

Does it matter if life isn’t picture-perfect?

Does any of it truly have an effect?

So, ask yourself, does it truly matter?

When you’re old and your life begins to scatter,

Sitting in a rocking chair, watching the sun set,

Will you think of these things, filled with regret?

Now, here’s the real question to ponder,

If none of that matters, let your heart wander,

What will you make matter instead?

Choose what brings you joy, where your soul is fed.

Hope you like the poem.

Read this beautiful poem by Dancing Elephant author Bernard Ray



Garima Sharma
Dancing Elephants Press

Words on self-love, self-worth, finding magic in everyday moments and trusting you are wildly deserving.