Drippings: The Memoir of a Lucid Dreamer

The Path of the munching, meditating mediator.

Dancing Elephants Press


Munching — Photo by Hulki Okan Tabak on Unsplash

Here is the Preface to this thread…

I am a munching, meditator and a mediator. Chewing on food for thought and contemplating introspectively.

When I’m in the Zone it’s all about listening for the Tao. The sound that has no sound.

When I’m out it’s all about mediating the razor’s edge between desire and need, regret and expectation, cats and dogs, the ordinary and the altered state of consciousness.

Some people stop surfing somewhere along the line, though the truly wise or hip knows that that isn’t possible. Those ex-surfers just sink. They sink into depression or themselves or 4:00 a.m. reruns of “Gilligan’s Island,” and “Who Wants to Marry the Unmarreable”. They’ve surrendered to those who are just faking it. That could have been my fate and then love came along. I was a landlubber but love turned me into a surfer of life.

By the way. Just take a moment. Do you think you need a…



Dancing Elephants Press

Book author: Self-Improvement, design, life lesson, AI, travel, health, life, business, politics, love, lifestyle, mental health, entrepreneurism - askLewis.com