A New Way Mindful Vision of Seeing

✅Writing as ReVision, Our Cinematic Magic Eyes: Smile, Action✅


✅How can I improve my writing skills?✅

It begins with mindfulness. ..

Please stay and read for at least 30 seconds, highlight, and comment! I will visit your article, and I will do the same. Remind me.

SMILE > >Photo by Eduardo Barrios on Unsplash

✅When writing, never just be a writer.

Instead, become a director activating the senses of the audience to make them applaud or be excited. I was a gymnast, and I have won dance contests, so I became sensitive to the impact my actions had. We tend to focus on the art but not on the impact. Instead, allow the words to become a sensual display of your emotions. Actively, see your reader reading what you write.

I am influenced by the poetic nature of magical realism, a written style that was impacted by our cinematic expectations. Note that Medium is the Tik Tok of writing. It measures time, not pages. See it knows the influence your powers of observation have on the eyesight of the audience. So it is time for you to empower the living word as you write a magical nuanced entertainment.


Allow the title to become a trailer to your epic cinematic tale. Add a “KICKER,” a short description before the TITLE and a SUBHEADING, after the title. These should be changed frequently, 5-15 times to try to impact the effect.


Hint at what the audience should expect. Spend a lot of time finding the right image, which should be equally as important as the body.


Revise the introduction many times with a fresh pair of eyes. It can always be better. Again and again.

Conclusion as Call for Action

Do not think of it as the end. Many films have an open ending that can be more effective for a sequel. Or simply ask the readers if they deal had similar experiences.

The Hemingway Effect: Less Is More

Drama is key. The gut of the paper should be open. Medium is a sort of TikTok of writing. Hemingway revolutionized how we write. However, it is hard to write well. I think most of us sound terrible, and AI is used a lot here, for I can tell. However, I do not object.

✅ Action > > >Photo by Jakob Owens on Unsplash



🚀 🚀 Dr. Wayne Stein, Manifestations ✅🍿
Dancing Elephants Press

🚀 ✅ AKA Doc Samurai Sam, Ph.d. Critical Creative Hobbit ✅ 🍿Are you going to eat that? ✅ I make absolutely nothing here. Send me a demon chocolate donut ✅