Finding The Light In Little Things — A Poem

Sometimes, it can be difficult to believe that life is good.

Garima Sharma
Dancing Elephants Press
2 min readJul 22, 2023


Photo by Lubomirkin on Unsplash

In a world that can feel tough and grey,
Finding joy may seem far away.
But fear not, for a secret lies,
In small moments, a precious prize.

Believe in the magic that’s all around,
In the simple gestures that may astound.
For life’s goodness, it may yet reveal,
When you pay attention and mindfully feel.

Embrace the beauty of tiny pleasures,
The sun’s gentle warmth and nature’s treasures.
From laughter shared to a tender touch,
These moments remind us life means so much.

Shift perspectives and, with hope, decree,
The world isn’t as terrible as it seems to be.
Choose gratitude, find reasons to adore,
And watch darkness fade, replaced by more.

So, cherish the small moments each day,
And let the world’s troubles softly sway.
Embrace the goodness that life can bring,
In little things, find joy’s sweet symphony.

Hope you liked the poem.

By acknowledging the power of an open heart, we encourage the fearless release of tears of joy while embracing one’s inherent divinity and that is exactly what our Dancing Elephant Press founder and editor Dr. Gabriella Korosi talks through her poem. Read on to be inspired.

🌟✨ “Believe” is available now, waiting to guide you on an extraordinary voyage towards self-discovery and personal growth. 😊📘🌈 Are you ready to embark on this life-changing adventure? 💪🚀 Don’t let another day pass without taking action. ⏰⚡ Pick up “Believe: The Power of Hope, Faith, and Determination” today and empower yourself to live a life beyond your wildest imagination. 🌟🔥 The power is within you; it’s time to unleash it. 💥💫 💁‍♀️💡

👋🏼 Hi there! 👀 If you want to 👉🏼💰 directly support 👉🏼👨‍💻 the work I do, I would be incredibly grateful if you could 👉🏼☕ buy me a coffee! ☕️ Writing is a big passion of mine, but as you know, it takes a lot of 🕰 time and 💰 resources to create something that’s truly worth 👉🏼🙌🏼 sharing. Thank you in advance! 🙏🏼



Garima Sharma
Dancing Elephants Press

Words on self-love, self-worth, finding magic in everyday moments and trusting you are wildly deserving.