Focus on Joy — A Poem

Embrace the enjoyment and uncertainty of life as your main goal is to discover and pursue your happiness.!

Garima Sharma
Dancing Elephants Press


Photo by Zachary Nelson on Unsplash

It’s time to embody more joy in your life,
To let your inner child have fun and play,
Cast aside those limiting beliefs that thrive,
Telling you there’s a better path you should take.

But life is meant to be lived with happiness,
With excitement and curiosity each day,
In doing what makes you feel your very best,
And basking in joy in the most fun ways.

Finding happiness in the places and spaces,
With the people, the activities that bring you delight,
Allowing yourself to discover joy in new faces,
Why not keep play and fun in your line of sight?

Lean into the fun and mystery of life,
For it’s in those moments of joy and awe,
That sparks creativity and erases strife,
Keep going, follow your JOY, it’s your calling, your biggest draw.

Reconnect with fun, let your inner child play,
Embrace that inner muse, she’s waiting for you,
It’s okay to take time for yourself every day,
This journey you’re on, it’s yours to pursue.

So let’s live life to the fullest in every aspect,
Discovery and joy are in every little thing,
So let your inner child out to play, be abrupt,
For finding your JOY, that truly is everything.

Hope you liked the poem.

Dancing Elephant author

invites readers to tune into their inner joy and celebrates it as an expression of pure love and the beauty of life. “I am Joy — A form of Pure Love” reflects on the idea of Joy as a state of being, beyond external circumstances or attitude. She reflects on experiences in her life that were joy-filled, including listening to music on vinyl records, moments spent with loved ones, and the feeling of the sun on her face. She reminisces when Joy felt less present in her life, and recognizes this feeling as an affirmation deep within, a core aspect of her being. Read this to bring more joy in your life.

“Find Your Voice” is a collection of over 100 heart warming poems that will leave you feeling inspired and motivated. This book is filled with beautiful and encouraging poems that remind you that you can always find your voice in this world. Each poem is carefully crafted to provide comfort and hope in times of darkness and doubt. When you need a reminder of the light within you, pick up a copy of the book today.”

Enjoying my daily dose of caffeine while bringing you quality content 📝☕️. If you appreciate my work, please consider buying me a coffee to support my writing and stay creative. Thank you❤️!



Garima Sharma
Dancing Elephants Press

Words on self-love, self-worth, finding magic in everyday moments and trusting you are wildly deserving.