Freedom’s Flight

A poem to spring, hope, and freedom

Bernard Ray
Dancing Elephants Press


Image by the author

Sparkling coronets of dew

Crown each leaf of corn.

Cuckoo call and pigeon coo

Announce a summer’s dawn.

Trees like soldiers on the hill

Ranks of green and white.

Scent hangs heavy in the air.

Mild and balmy night.

Apple blossom wide awake,

Petals on the breeze.

Leaves of velvet breaking out,

Playground to the bees.

Cowslips basking on a bank,

Bluebells reaching high,

Water-boatmen on the pond

Dance with dragonfly.

Buzzards circling overhead.

Thermals giving lift,

Whirling, wheeling, flying free,

With them, my thoughts drift.

Few souls, their cares can cast

To wheel and dive so free.

If you can, and if you will,

Up there you can meet me.

Mayflowers trim the headland



Bernard Ray
Dancing Elephants Press

I'm a walker, gardener and countryman. I write life stories, poetry and essays about nature, DIY and events in the night sky.