Get Off Of Dwelling On What’s Missing, Right Now

Or the Law of Attraction will ensure that you will miss even more.

James Boylan
Dancing Elephants Press


Photo by Gratisography:

No one is exempt from losing someone or something that they were close to. A person, a pet, a favourite sweater, or even a thought. It is even perfectly normal to initially fret for a minute on “What did I do wrong to cause this?”

Self-blame is a common reaction to a loss. Children who love their parents often blame themselves when their parents divorce. Spouses do too when losing a mate or a child.

Now, that we are big boys and girls, don’t you think there could be better responses? And, if so, what responses would be better considering that the person is probably grief-stricken?

And, each and every person goes through all five stages of grief when suffering a loss in his or her own way. If they don’t, they will continue suffering until they do.

Elizabeth Kubler-Ross identified the five stages as denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance.

What’s important to remember is the same feelings come over us with no regard for what was lost. It could be what was mentioned above — a person, a pet, a sweater, or a thought.



James Boylan
Dancing Elephants Press

"HI" Medium Top Writer Ideas. Publisher Spiritualityandrecovery. 47+ yrs sober introduced me to Spirituality.