God Moves Us Where He Needs Us


Lisa Precious
Dancing Elephants Press
3 min readOct 26, 2023


Photo by JOHN TOWNER on Unsplash

What an incredible month to celebrate — October!

It’s not only the birthday month of Dancing Elephants Press, but that time of year when nature’s magic is all around.

October is a month for some self-reflection as the year begins to wind down to a close.

This month, I firmly decided to fully entrust my life to be in service to God. With this decision in mind, I try to be where guided and needed. Finding members of a local church community with a strong support network has been really rewarding.

Small acts of kindness

October has been a month to carry out some small acts of kindness that I believed would make a difference.

For example, a friend going through kitchen renovations found cooking problematic, so we brought freshly homemade bread loaves and apple crumble pudding to brighten her day.

I also had the opportunity to meet someone from our congregation who is very sick and has not much longer left to live. I discovered he has so much incredible knowledge and wisdom to share. It also turned out I met his brother, who disclosed that he has been writing privately for years; our conversation was meaningful, and I encouraged him to continue with his writing work.

At our Sunday service, an elderly lady member I chose to sit next to clung to my arm during the hymns, and a young girl came over to hold my hand. These simple acts of connection touched my heart deeply, and I felt privileged to offer them warmth and comfort in return.

When I visit the forests in October to forage for tastiest mushrooms available, it’s crucial to be considerate and leave plenty behind, so the mushrooms have a chance to spore again. Nature will generously provide for everyone when we learn how to treat these incredible gifts with the utmost respect.


Devoting my life to God has shown me a path to living with daily joy, and this October has reinforced the inner knowing that pure happiness comes from giving to others from the heart, be it people, animals or nature.

Thank you for reading today. I would love to hear about some of your random acts of kindness, and how they brightened your month.

There's a real magic about joyous Joyce Nielsen’s writing. Her personality shines through. I not so seriously think the world needs more side-splitting laughter too. It’s the ultimate healer..

Thank you DR Rawson - The Possibilist for sharing this reminder. One of the key elements that makes Dancing Elephants Press so unique and special is that the writers feel seen and heard.

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Lisa Precious
Dancing Elephants Press

Creator and Founder of www.smileyblue.org - We are a publication for people who want to upgrade their lives to reach their highest growth potential.