Grandpa ❤️

Bridging Generations with Love

Sreya Satheesh
Dancing Elephants Press
2 min readJun 24, 2024


Image : Freepik

My phone rang, and with a quick swipe, I answered. On the other end of the video call was Grandma, her eyes bright with excitement.

“How are you?” she asked, her voice crackling through the digital connection.

Before I could respond, Grandma handed the phone to Grandpa, who sat there with a wide smile, his eyes crinkling at the corners.

He called my name, his voice deep and resonant.

I realized it had been too long since I last visited them. I shared with Grandpa how my office work and studies kept me occupied, though I knew he couldn’t catch every word due to the challenges of his hearing loss. In response, he faced his palms towards me over the screen, as if giving me a blessing, and softly said, “God is always with you.”

It amazed me how technology had bridged the gap, allowing us to see our loved ones even when miles apart.

My bond with both grandparents had always been strong. I was the keeper of all their stories — the tales of their childhood, the characters they had encountered, most of whom I had never met in real life.

What touched me most was how the simplest things brought them joy.

Mom had a special connection with Grandpa. She never forgot to prepare his favorite dish on Father’s Day. When Grandpa was abroad, Mom would send handwritten letters and poems — a way to bridge the distance, to let him know he was missed.

Grandpa is a very silent and soft-spoken person. He rarely initiated conversations. But if we talk, he opens up, especially with me. His eyes would light up when I visited their home, and I knew that my presence brought him happiness.

These unconditional bonds — the kind that ask for nothing in return but our happiness and well-being — are the greatest riches of our lives.

✍ — Edited and Published by Dr. Gabriella Korosi, at Dancing Elephants Press. Click here for submission guidelines.



Sreya Satheesh
Dancing Elephants Press

Software Engineer & Student. I find joy in good books, creating art, gardening & cherishing beautiful moments. ✨