Grateful and Blessed: A Heartfelt Thank You

With love to Gabriella

Dr. Preeti Singh
Dancing Elephants Press


Photo credit: Preeti Singh

Last evening I went out for my evening walk. The air was cool. It was pleasant weather with a mist of very light droplets of rain which felt good on my face.

First I should go back as it may begin to rain but it was feeling good and was so light that I could hardly feel it so I started enjoying it and finally the light droplets stopped.

A post office van came in the vicinity and I wanted to know what it was doing at 6 PM in the evening because I used to see these little vans coming in up to 5 PM and not beyond that.

The driver stopped in front of me, greeted me with a good evening mam, and asked me are you a resident of 29 Number House? I have delivered some mail there and you seem familiar. I also recognized him as the postman had not changed for years but their mode of transport had changed.

They used to come on a rickety old cycle delivering passports and driving licenses whenever they were renewed and always came to wish us Diwali.

I told him you guessed rightly. We have met times before this. He held out a packet for me. Mam, the parcel is in your name and from the USA. I just need you to sign and then I will leave it in your house as you are taking a walk.



Dr. Preeti Singh
Dancing Elephants Press

Doctorate in Finance, Professor, Author, I write about Life’s experiences, edutech. 9xTop writer.