How I’m Learning To Add a Healthy Scoop of Positivity to My Diet

Dancing Elephants Book Project Positivity Group 1

Yana Bostongirl
Dancing Elephants Press


Woman pointing at a quote about taking it one step at a time.
8photo on Freepik (edited)

When I read about people whose outlook is always positive, I find myself curious as to what their secret is. Yes, I know positive thinking is a learned mindset but personally speaking, I wonder if I subconsciously resist adopting a positive mindset — preferring the familiarity of being the serial worrier that I am.

What I’ve gradually come to realize is that not being able to be positive does not mean something is broken in me. Sometimes I just need a little help to see that elusive silver lining in a dark storm cloud.

In my neck of the woods, saying that people are stressed 24/7 is an understatement. The main reason for it is the huge bite Covid -19 has taken out of them — both mentally and financially.

The city I live in is the second most expensive for renters in the United States. Daily, the news carries stories about how people are priced out of the city area and have to pack up their belongings and move way out to find affordable places to live. Others can barely make ends meet working two or even three jobs because of the rising gas and grocery prices. Racial tensions continue to be at an unprecedented high.



Yana Bostongirl
Dancing Elephants Press

I'm a unique blend of cultures from South Africa, South Asia & USA| Masters in Econ| Substack: 🦋Yana's World🦋|Come say hi!