How Life Has Changed to Conveniences
Do we enjoy the convenience or miss old times?
Today I went to a chemist's shop and asked him for a medicine.” Madam, It is finished. I will deliver it to your home in the evening.”
“No, I will come back later,” I said. “Sitting at home all day will make me lazy. I need to walk a little.” He was surprised that I did not want it delivered.
I was in the middle of a meeting and the doorbell rang. “Mam, your food order is here what is your OTP?”
Life has become too convenient. The whole day we get parcels. The phone is full of OTPs or one-time passwords.
August is a month of rain in my city. On a light rainy day, opening your umbrella and taking a walk was fun. You could go to a grocery shop and look at what you need at home.
Choosing from various brands was such fun. Now groceries are delivered through Apps. You order them and they come to your house. Visiting of grocery shops is passe. OTP’s are a must.
I love to see green vegetables and fruits in the market. I even enjoy looking at the various little carts selling fresh vegetables and fruits.
Some are still there but people enjoy the home delivery option rather than going out or to a showroom. Farmers markets are still there…