How to Become a Better Version of Yourself in a Month

Life doesn’t wait for you to be okay. Get up every day and keep pushing through.

Creating Wealth
Dancing Elephants Press
5 min readJun 28, 2024


Photo by Devon Hawkins on Unsplash

Change is not easy and deciding not to change is not as easy as you think because the consequences of complacency are not friendly either.

Take responsibility for your life and be determined to change. Do you want to be among those who will be forgotten after they pass away? Do you respect your name?

If you want to impact the world, you need to start with small disciplines because everything truly affects everything.


I know it’s hard to do this because your body has already been programmed to wake up at a particular time; except on days when there’s a special occasion to wake up.

Have you ever wondered why you wake up without any alarm clock on those days that you are about to embark on a journey that you’ve anticipated to be thrilling?

You must have heard this quote:

“Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wise, and wealthy”

Waking up between the hours of 3 a.m. and 5 a.m. will give you a head start. It’s silent and you can be fully focused, that’s when most of the world around your geographical location is asleep.


You can’t have a strong mind without a strong body. Whenever you’re in a bad mood try lifting some weight and see how elevated you become after the workout session.

I have friends who say they don’t have money so they can’t hit the gym, and this might be the story you tell yourself, as well.

Let’s say you really can’t afford to pay for a standard gym but you can wake up and go for a run, you can do some push-ups and other exercises in your home.

I can assure you that hitting the gym will make you respect and feel better about yourself. It will affect your relationship with yourself and others, as well as with your business or job.

Think for a second.

Do you think your bad eating and drinking habits won’t start affecting your health as you age?

You have just one body, mind, and soul. Take care of it daily; it’s rented and that’s one way to pay for the lease because nobody can do this for you!


If you’re going to take just one thing in your entire life seriously; then it’s how you spend your time. Let me break the news to you today, ‘Time changes everything”. Whoever told you this lied to you.

Time only reveals.

How you spend your time will ultimately dictate the outcome of your life over time. Instead of spending your time aimlessly scrolling on social platforms, pick up a book and read. How can you enter the mind of a successful person dead or alive? It’s in the books they’ve written.

If you want to stand out, why behave like the 99% that don’t read good books to improve themselves?

If you don’t read what’s your advantage over someone who doesn’t read?

Spend your time listening to podcasts that will enlighten you and sharpen your mind because your mind is your greatest asset after time. You don’t want to forget the people you spend your time with — those people will influence you knowingly and/or unknowingly.

We tend to postpone living our best life in the present moment for tomorrow, because of something called delayed gratification.

We tend to keep our best things for special occasions, which is not right. Wear your best clothes today, eat your best meal today, spend quality time with loved ones today; and go on family trips now.

There are people with millions in their bank accounts and people with great dreams who didn’t wake up today. There’s a balance to everything. Don’t cheat yourself, please. The only time you have is now.

Tomorrow is never promised, my friend.

It is hard to know what we want in life, but it’s easy to know what we don’t want — so start there. Decide who you don’t want to be, and spend your time doing the things that will put you on the path of accomplishing your goals and aspirations.

Don’t wait for regret to creep in before you choose to spend your time the right way. A dying man regrets more of what they never did than what they did.


Growing up I used to hear people say, “All work no play makes Jack a dull boy”. This is true, I must confess to you. It’s harmful to sit in the same place for a very long time, even if the purpose is a good one. You might say how about delayed flights and traffic jams;

Take breaks in between, even when studying this will help you retain more information and increase your focus when you come back to whatever you were doing.

You are allowed to reward yourself with entertainment (attending a concert, watching a sports match), a walk in nature, enjoying the sunlight, having a hobby like painting, playing football, table tennis, basketball, swimming, or playing a musical instrument.

Just ensure you do things that take your mind off work and broaden your mind even more.


There are lots of people truly if you calculate how much has been in their position right from the age of accountability (when they now know good and evil) it’s a lot, I mean it’s plenty. Yet their current situation doesn’t show that at all, they can’t even account for 10% of that money.

Keep track of your income, and your expenses. Make sure you can account for every single cent that you spend. Learn how to make money, then learn how to keep it because this is hard, and even so, how to multiply it.


Just like starting a car engine in the morning and letting it warm up, your body is a machine that needs water circulation after sleep dehydration.

Your body is more water than blood. Remember, our bodies are made up of about 60–75% water.

Drink water to keep your body functioning properly, improve your skin, aid digestion, and even boost your energy levels. Staying hydrated can also help with concentration and focus.

A few bullet points to consider when improving yourself daily:

  • Never force anyone to choose you. You should learn the art of spending time alone.
  • To avoid disappointment, you need to take people for who they are, not for what you want them to be.
  • You become 10x smarter when you quit the news and put politics out of your topics.
  • 30 years is too long to sit in an office being told what to do.
  • Free yourself from society’s advice; most of them have no idea what they’re doing.
  • Ensure you take good care of yourself; if anything happens to you, the world will move on.

This account was created to remind you that “Dreams Do Come True”.

Suggested Reading:

Tamanna_VermaDoes Every Step Matter?

✍🏽 — Published by LIN at Dancing Elephants Press. Click here for submission guidelines. 🪄

