How to Love People Who Are Furious at God and Other Maddening Things
Join me for a challenging encounter that taught me a new lesson
I recently encountered a man I didn’t know well. But after spending time with him, I learned that he’s furious at God. Let’s call him Jim.
Picture a small group of men sitting around a large table. Most of us know each other very well because several family members are among us, including our two adult sons.
We’re discussing life and how to be okay in a world gone mad. Jim is half in, half out. His attention is mainly focused on his phone because he loves watching football.
The rest of us are super chill, and the conversation drifts to consciousness. My youngest son, Alex, starts talking about some of the psychology he’s learning by reading one of Carl Jung’s books, Memories, Dreams, and Reflections.
I’m listening long enough to hear him confuse a few things, and I interject my thoughts without realizing the consequences that would soon bury me in the rubble of indescribable guilt, shame, and remorse.
The subject of God comes up, and I chime in. I start dropping a few of my pearls, but these will soon be the jewels I swallow without water.