Stifling Thoughts

“I Am Not A Poetess,” he said.

Ever heard of the Poetic Dreamer?

Dancing Elephants Press


Photo by Javardh on Unsplash

If a loathed face haunts your dreams, ask yourself why they disturb you, ponder what it mirrors within you — discover the reasons of disdain to weave new and deeper understanding

I awoke in the dark
a voice stirring within my chest
filling my mind
with a strange presence
of a weird force pressing on my heart

“you are not a poetess,” it said
each word tremored through my veins
not meant for delicate limericks
or genial rhymes that soothe one’s soul

the weight of those words settled in my bones
an ancient truth etched into my flesh
revealed in those still hours before dawn
a revelation carved into my core

I felt the vibrations in my blood
the murmur of my breath
the tension in my muscles
and the ache in my soul and body

my purpose was not to craft
verses of beauty
nor to create works of sweet words
my essence was raw
a voice for the soul’s deepest truths

I sense the cries of forgotten dreams
the battles fought within my heart
the violent screams of concealed fears
all converging in my being

the witness to the turmoil within
the seeker of materialized moments
my words are not gentle caresses
but the raw pulse of my existence
with other throbs of life

in that very intimate moment
he taught
I understood
I am not a poetess
not here to adorn thoughts with finery
but to let them stand,
naked and honest
to scream from my depths
to find myself amidst the mayhem

I asked him once
“why did you name me Poetic Dreamer?”
in the stillness — he paused
a smile forming like the crescent moon,
“you reveal the truth with your words,
capture the raw and untamed essence
of life and existence”

he saw within me
a fire that could not be quelled
a passion that refused to be silenced
“poetic Dreamer, stanza sorceress,” he remarked
“Because you lay bare the
chaos of the world
with every verse
you challenge
the confines of reality”

in his eyes
I saw the reflection
of my true self
a soul free by convention
daring to tread where others feared
“you are poetic dreamer
for you give voice to the ineffable
and through your truth
the world awakens”

So now —
I humbly ask you, fellow souls
Share with me your truths
raw and bare

© Tamanna_Verma 2024

Other compositions —

Let Me Go..! | A Plea for Freedom from Uncertainty

Does Every Step Matter? | Measuring the footprints…



Dancing Elephants Press

Poetic Dreamer | Faithful soul traveling with thoughts | Culture-loving seeker of wisdom & transcendence, here to learn & grow with words | 2^4+1