I Love to Spread Joy

Why I would love to write for the Dancing Elephants Press project

Trista Signe Ainsworth
Dancing Elephants Press


Image by Trista Signe Ainsworth. In my garden in April 2020 with my precious lilac bush.

The place where light and dark begin to touch is where miracles arise

~ Robert A. Johnson

Even with chaos all around me, I can find the bright spots. It has been like this my whole life. Even when everyone else complained, I smiled.

The greatest gift I can give to others is the joy within my heart.

Sharing my personal stories and finding happiness in the small things brings joy to readers and helps them in their lives. It is my purpose to spread joy in any way I can.

Image by Trista Signe Ainsworth. Bright spring bouquet, 2020.

My stories provide a way for me to teach through writing. Touching someone’s heart is what my words do. I want my readers to come away feeling empowered, joyful, and happy.

I see the potential in every human being and everything on Earth. We are all tiny seeds waiting for nourishment to grow. Some days we receive all we require, and other days encouragement helps us thrive.



Trista Signe Ainsworth
Dancing Elephants Press

I write stories of love and encouragement from my heart to yours.