I Never Thought I Am a Good Photographer Until I Wrote This

In response to Dancing Elephants Photography January Prompt — Elephants

Lalitha Brahma
Dancing Elephants Press


Kolam (Rangoli) made with rice powder and turmeric powder by the author Lalitha Brahma and picture of Lalitha Brahma
Screenshot of Zoom call
NPR Morning edition
reported the digital Inauguration Kolam 2021. Picture of the author Lalitha Brahma ©and kolam made by her.

The following story inspired me to participate in this prompt:

Thank you Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles

What is the requirement of the Prompt?

Post a photo you clicked, that has an elephant — can be a live one, a statue outdoors, an illustration, a motif from a fabric, a painting, a soft toy, an item of décor, something shaped like an elephant — just about anything. Why — you can even draw one and post it.

My initial inspiration transformed into nervousness.

You may ask why?

I am not a good photographer.

Then I said to myself, I want to share a couple of pictures captured by me, anyway.

