I Want To Love Like God Loves

A beginning would be to take notes from a dog or a cat

James Boylan
Dancing Elephants Press


Unconditional love
Oreo Photo taken by Author, James Boylan
Rumi photo taken by author, James Boylan

How does God love? Simple! God loves unconditionally. From the old song that is sung by any number of different people of all types “Jesus loves me this I know. For the Bible tells me so,” we hear about Divine love.

Unconditional love is taken very simply to mean: Love without strings attached.

Unconditional love is what most believe is practiced by The Higher Power. A living, breathing example of an unconditional love practitioner can be found in many households worldwide.

This example is a dog. A dog loves its person with no strings attached. Some dog owners abuse the pup but the dog keeps on wagging its tail and wanting to come back for more love. (and a goodie, of course)

Since the passing of Oreo, Rumi decided he had waited long enough to get my attention so he adopted me. He picked up where Oreo had left off in their quest to teach me about unconditional love.

He took to me immediately and, since I have been a dog person all of my human life, he even acts like a dog much of the time. He greets me at the…



James Boylan
Dancing Elephants Press

"HI" Medium Top Writer Ideas. Publisher Spiritualityandrecovery. 47+ yrs sober introduced me to Spirituality.