If Not Him, Someone Better Still
The best dating advice I ever received
For most of my thirties, I was consumed with working as a new teacher and coping with epilepsy, until I went off work. I figured out the next moves with my doctors and surgery fixed it.
By the time I was out of recovery, I had regained my independence and became interested (and ready) in dating again.
I had gone on a few dates with common outcomes – nice people, just no ones I vibed with. When I did vibe with someone, our distance became an issue.
What was up? I thought.
I was deep into online dating and began noticing common patterns in my dating behavior, but couldn’t explain why I chose the people I was attracted to — often being of the emotionally unavailable type.
At the time I was also into Matt Boggs’ content. I had been watching his dating content on YouTube for a while and liked how he gave positive information, from a man’s perspective.
Also – this is key – he is in a successful marriage, which showed me he knows what he’s talking about.
I also discovered that he is part of The Brave Thinking Institute. This organization had different areas of personal development, with Matt…