If Only…

A single tree could realize that it was actually a part of the entire forest

James Boylan
Dancing Elephants Press


Mighty Oak
Photo by Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash

There was once a mighty oak tree standing tall in the heart of a huge forest. It was big and strong and shed many acorns. These acorns became mighty oaks themselves, big, tall, and strong.

The acorns that fell from the mighty oak began what became generations of oaks that were just as mighty and even more so than the first. Without the original oak growing and dropping its seeds in the form of acorns, the forest may have never been.

The original oak began as a thought in the mind of the Higher Power, who I choose to call God. God thought this would be the perfect place for the oak to grow, multiply, and spread its mighty presence around.

We all identify ourselves in many ways. A spouse, a child, a sibling, an employee, a manager, an athlete, a winner, a loser, a somebody, a nobody. The list could go on forever or stop at any time.

What if we could realize that we are spiritual beings who are children of God made of the same ingredients as the stars, planets, and mighty oaks? That we could realize that we share the same universal mind and are one with all that exists.

When we feel and know that we are spiritual beings with all of the same ingredients as the rest of the…



James Boylan
Dancing Elephants Press

"HI" Medium Top Writer Ideas. Publisher Spiritualityandrecovery. 47+ yrs sober introduced me to Spirituality.