In the Pauses.

What to do when your imperfections show…

A Chance Meading
Dancing Elephants Press


Photo by Jez Timms on Unsplash

You probably won’t be perfect. That doesn’t disqualify you. Get up, try again, and keep going. You matter here. Don’t let the judgments of others stop you from growing.

You are allowed to make mistakes and learn from them — just like everyone else.

There is no requirement for you to maintain the façade of perfection and people-pleasing. It’s not helping you… or them.

In fact, it’s hurting the chances you can have of giving and receiving out of relationships built on authenticity instead of performance.

You won’t be able to please everyone, everywhere, all the time…. (especially if you realize that one of those people is you, dear heart.)

You were not put on this earth to be the sole solution for anyone else’s pain, desires, or expectations. You matter. Your thoughts matter. Your feelings matter. Your dreams matter. Your heart, mind, and soul matter. Your physical well-being and presence matter. You are a whole person who was never meant to divide themselves to conquer.

Instead, you were made to be present with yourself and others. In one space, one moment, one task at a time. Friend, what would it look like for you to begin to practice intentional moments of unhurried presence this week?

To gift yourself with quiet, and stillness. To take a brief respite, outside of the list and the projects, and simply breathe and be in your body. To notice and observe the environment around you. To Pause. To feel a ray of sunshine on your skin. To embrace the breeze as it brushes through your hair.

You are allowed to take these moments for yourself and dwell deeper in them. You have permission. Dear heart, it’s up to you now. No one else can make the decision about how you show up to dwell in your own life, but you. Here’s hoping you take the chance to be intentionally unhurried with your time at some point this week.

Reflect on it:

Share about how it impacted your mind, body, and heart if you took the opportunity to slow down and be present with yourself this week. How did it feel? Did it help and make a difference in your day? I’d love to hear about it.

✍ — Published by Libby Shively McAvoy at Dancing Elephants Press. Click here for submission guidelines.



A Chance Meading
Dancing Elephants Press

Hi there. Yes- I know how to spell… my name’s Amanda Mead. I’m just trying to be clever, and often failing. Here’s my honest, somewhat messy look at life. *