I’ve Found the Key to Living a Regret-Free Life

It’s been in my pocket all along — I just didn’t know it (Dancing Elephants Book Project Positivity — Group 2)

Authentic Art
Dancing Elephants Press


Image from Pixabay (inactive account — ID 2400474)

I have two keys in my pocket.

One is marked Authentic Self. The other is marked False Self.

Whenever I have a decision to make, I get to choose which key to pull out.

My Authentic Self key opens up the door to a world free from regret — one where even if things don’t turn out as I wish, I can be at peace with myself.

My False Self key opens up the door to a world that’s the pits. Even when I get exactly what I hope for, it’s not worth paying the price of betraying my authentic self. If the outcome is not what I desire, I’m filled with regret for not summoning up the courage to be true to myself.

Positivity is the faith I’ll never regret when my words and actions are in sync with my authentic self

The Old Me

More often than not, I reached for my False Self key.

Why was I so insistent on taking that key out, despite the predictable consequences?



Authentic Art
Dancing Elephants Press

Top writer in self-growth and inner child. I love to write because it gets me in touch with myself. Hopefully, it’s also helpful to others. So far, so good!