Let’s Make Life Simple And Easy By Surrendering To God

Life can be tough enough when trying to do it all by yourself.

James Boylan
Dancing Elephants Press


Surrender to God
Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay

Martin Luther King, Jr. said “Every genuine expression of love grows out of a consistent and total surrender to God.”


When I began studying my inborn spirituality, I was lost in a world where I was told that the answers to my questions and problems were found in the church of whoever was talking at the time.

I was never comfortable with what I was hearing and seeing with my untrained eyes and ears in churches. This goes back to my first memories of attending services with my parents and continued up to when I first heard about spirituality.

To me, God was a punishing, judging God. God was, in form, a human male with a beard in a white robe “up there in the sky” in a place called Heaven. To talk with “Him,” I had to go through a minister or priest and talk with “Thees” and “Thys” and other such languages that they called prayers.

I also thought God kept a ledger, something like Santa Clause, because “He knows when you are sleeping. He knows when you’re awake. He knows if you’ve been bad or good so be good for goodness sake!”



James Boylan
Dancing Elephants Press

"HI" Medium Top Writer Ideas. Publisher Spiritualityandrecovery. 47+ yrs sober introduced me to Spirituality.