Letter of Intent DEP AI vs. HI Book Project Entry

We need to write with emotion

Terry Day
Dancing Elephants Press


Envato Elements Purchased Image License K27X8YAZ4U

DEP Contest Article Committee,

I am interested in sending in a potential entry for the upcoming DEP
HI vs. AI contest and a potential book entry. In addition, I have
another article that I would like DEP to view and, if found worthy of
inclusion, to publish it on the DEP publication site as well. I will
do my best to have these articles for the contest and book for you in
the required format before the deadline. The article I will send for potential DEP publication may take a bit longer since it will be much more robust. I am feverishly writing these pieces now.
Many thanks in advance for the opportunity to provide articles for the
potential book entry, contest, and DEP publication.

Terry M. Day



Terry Day
Dancing Elephants Press

Professional Published Article Writer, Direct Copywriter, Business Email writer, and Highly experienced Retail Supply Chain Manager.