Winter Poetry

Life-Size Snow Globe

Emily Gibson
Dancing Elephants Press
1 min readFeb 4, 2024


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Photo by Jessica Fadel on Unsplash

When the lightest of flakes
like salt over potato fries
or fish food on a skin of water
or glitter over glue
I am lucky to live
on a bluff,
where winds roil and boil
day and night.

Flakes take flight
past our windows
in horizontal swirls and curls
of wind.
I laugh like a kid
cheeks flushed in wonder,
our house secure
in its own
snow globe.

Poem #34 in my “poem a day” challenge for 2024. Not all poems make it to Medium, but the writing habit changed my brain.

Please enjoy another story from Dancing Elephants Press about a time in the snow by Joyce Nielsen:

✍ — Published by Dr. Gabriella Korosi, at Dancing Elephant Press. Click here for submission guidelines.



Emily Gibson
Dancing Elephants Press

Poet, naturalist, long-distance cyclist, person with MS, teacher, fond of equines... The gift of my MS is poetry,. Absolutely 100% HI, zero AI.