
For her, as usual.

Christopher Grant
Dancing Elephants Press
1 min readFeb 7, 2024


Photo by Jez Timms on Unsplash

Love? I met her
Once, or maybe more.
Was hard to tell,
She never used
The same name twice,
Though it might have
Been me, focussed
On this or that,
Or caught out by
The crowd, anxious,
Shy, maybe stoned.
Desperate, me,
To convince her,
Show my fun side,
Open myself up
In case my first
Impression left
Crumbs on the chair.
Did she notice?
I’d ignore them,
Summon a tale,
Hope to distract
And never bore.

Best described her,
Brunette this week
And blond the next,
Haunting me with
Familiar fears,
My inner voices
The rest about
How to proceed.
Won in the end
(As usual)
And once again
I’d slink away.
‘Next time,’ I’d say
To cheer myself,
Knowing it a lie,
Then one night from
Across the room
I heard her laugh
And learned that love
Knows no mercy.



Christopher Grant
Dancing Elephants Press

Life long apprentice of Story and acolyte in service to the gods of composition — Grammaria, Poetris and Themeus.