May 2023: 5 Inspirational and Insightful Quotes That Will Change Your Perspective for the BEST

LIFE LESSONS with a Touch of HUMOR

Dr. Rupa Mahanti
Dancing Elephants Press
4 min readMay 6, 2023


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Thoughts for the Month

According to a survey conducted by YouGov, 62% of people in the USA say they get inspiration from quotes.

I share five quirky and insightful quotes from famous personalities and great minds at the start of every month that have the power to inspire you.

Quotes are short and crisp and hence easy to memorize. They are really helpful in conveying the key message and having a lasting impression.

Humorous inspirational quotes are my favorites because they not only motivate me and teach useful life lessons but also make me laugh or at the least draw a chuckle.

Below are five inspirational and insightful quotes with a touch of humor from successful people in history that will hopefully make you laugh or at least smile, and teach you some useful lessons that you can apply in your own day-to-day life and be more content, successful, and happy!

“The best way to appreciate your job is to imagine yourself without one.”

— Oscar Wilde

We are often dissatisfied with our job which helps us earn a living which in turn provides for us and our families. However, if we did not have weekly/bi-weekly/monthly paychecks coming into our bank account, we would not be able to able to take care of basic needs, like food, clothing, rent, and utilities. Hence, we should be grateful that we have a job. And best way to be grateful is to think of the situation if you didn't have the job.

“Life’s tragedy is that we get old too soon and wise too late.”

Benjamin Franklin

Funny, but true. Time flies. As we get older, we get wiser. But by then it is too late.

“Cleaning your house while your kids are still growing is like shoveling the walk before it stops snowing.”

— Phyllis Diller

This is so true. :) With kids around, you need to clean the house often. You have cleaned the house and just as you have finished, the kids have created another mess for you to clean.

“Be nice to people on the way up, because you may meet them on the way down.”

Jimmy Durante

As one climbs the stairs and reaches the pinnacle of success it is important one stay humble and be nice to the people around and beneath you. This quote inspires me to be a nice person.

“Be like a postage stamp. Stick to a thing till you get there.”

Josh Billings

In order to be successful, it is important to not give up and constantly try…Be sticky :). Perseverance is one of the keys to success in life.

The Journey Continues…

In a study published in the journal Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, researchers found that reading inspirational quotes can activate the brain’s reward centers, resulting in improved motivation and productivity.

They are awesome reinforcement tools, however, you have to act upon them and apply them.

I love to read inspirational quotes as they teach me something useful, help me see the bright side of things, and help me deal with life when things get challenging. I revisit them often so that they stay fresh in my mind.

The ones with a touch of humor are the ones, I enjoy the most as they make me laugh or at least smile, while also teaching useful life lessons. I hope these powerful tidbits of wisdom from famous and successful personalities will have the same impact on your life too!

Thanks so much for reading! I would love to hear your thoughts- which one did you like the most? Please leave a comment here or connect on LinkedIn.

My stories on life lessons, self-help, wisdom, and spirituality can be found under the list heading

Life, Motivation, Wisdom, Spirituality

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Rupa Mahanti is a consultant, data enthusiast, researcher, writer, spiritualist, and author of several books. One of her books — Thoughts: A Collection of Inspirational Quotes contains some fundamental truths of life in the form of more than 100 quotes. Every reader will find something in the book that he or she can resonate with, and apply the same in their own lives.



Dr. Rupa Mahanti
Dancing Elephants Press

Author of 7 books, mostly on data; Ph.D. in Computer Sc. & Eng.; Digital art designer; Publisher- The Data Pub (