DEP Writers/Authors
Meeting a Writer Friend For a First Time In Person Lewiscoaches — Lewis Harrison
Not the way I imagined
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Write, and share your mind for the world will drink your thoughts. GK
I enjoy meeting writer friends from all over the world. This amazing friend unfortunately fell ill a few months back, and we found out that he has stage 4 cancer. I knew I wanted to meet Lewis and hoped to see him soon. I booked my ticket to see him last month. I was hoping we could spend some time, work on projects, and do walks together with him and his wife.
Life intervened. Lewis had a heart block last week, leading to needed surgery and a stent placement into his heart. He was discharged from the hospital, and I hoped he would be well when I visited.
Life intervened again. He fell ill just after being discharged again and is still currently in the hospital as the doctors are trying to figure out what is the new symptoms he is having.
I will not share too many intimate details from this hoping one day he can still write about this, it is his story after all.