My First Acrostic Poem

In response to Dancing Elephants prompt 16 of 52

Akemi Sagawa
Dancing Elephants Press


Photo by Amanda Flavell on Unsplash

Even though poetry is the last thing I would have imagined myself trying, how can I reject this fun prompt? So here it is!

A mbition


E xcellence

M aster

I ntelligence

In my life 1.0, I would have chosen these words above. Those days seem to be galaxies away.

I have aged since then. I hope that time passed has made me a little wiser. In my life 2.0, my choice of words is:

A rtistic

K ind


M merciful

I nclusive

Can I achieve the second poem before my life 2.0 expires?

Originally published at on January 17, 2023.



Akemi Sagawa
Dancing Elephants Press

Formerly a tech entrepreneur, now a voluntary cultural ambassador of Japan. Founder of Five Senses Foundation (