My Journey as a Writer

And my latest book review

Libby Shively McAvoy
Dancing Elephants Press


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“Books give a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and life to everything.” ~Plato

Dreams Do Come True

My spelling and grammar were atrocious in high school, but I had a good vocabulary, and my mom ensured I was well-spoken. I never dreamed I would grow up to write multiple books and publish articles daily on several platforms.

My transformation is proof that you can make your dreams your reality with effort, belief in yourself, patience, perseverance, and consistency. Mindfulness and Grammarly are also my two best friends. Here I am an editor. I think my high school teacher would pass out 😂.

Today’s Book Review

Today, I am honored to give a book review for two people on Medium who have become dear friends of mine. They partnered together to write Tiny Tales Press Life Lessons for Youth, 31 one-minute stories for children. DR Rawson - The Possibilist and Rick Allen both intend to help people in life. They understand the value and importance of educating our youth and our responsibility as parents and grandparents to instill good values and teach them essential life lessons.



Libby Shively McAvoy
Dancing Elephants Press

"HI" Writer, Personal Development and Relationship Coach specializing in Emotional Intelligence, Yoga Instructor, Mom, Speaker, traveler, & seeker