My Journey in Balancing Physical and Mental Health Benefits

DEP life Prompt 7 for June/July 24

Dr. Preeti Singh
Dancing Elephants Press
4 min readJun 23, 2024


Photo Credit: Brajendra

India has given a gift to the world. It has made 21st June an International Yoga Day. Yoga teaches you to balance your Ying and Yang, your left side with your right side, and your physical and mental balance.

This beautiful picture was sent to me by a well-wisher who knew I would write about Yoga Day. I am giving him full credit for going to a site to take a picture for me.

Many different forms of exercise give you physical and mental health benefits and we should all strive to be physically and mentally happy.

  • Yoga has a focus on breathing techniques with physical exercises.
  • Tai chi balances the Ying and Yang through physical form and a lot of discipline.
  • Pilates stretches and strengthens the body while also focusing on breathing and meditation.
  • Dancing helps physical and breathing control.
  • There can be moderate-intensity exercise, such as walking, hiking, and riding a bike, or it can be vigorous activities, such as running, swimming, aerobics, or skipping with a rope. Some people enjoy meditation and it gives them the power to be in good…



Dr. Preeti Singh
Dancing Elephants Press

Doctorate in Finance, Professor, Author, I write about Life’s experiences, edutech. 9xTop writer.