New Column Of Wisdom

An opportunity to add more wisdom to who you are and what you do.

DR Rawson - The Possibilist
Dancing Elephants Press
2 min readDec 1, 2023


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Wisdom, where does it come from? All of us have some wisdom. Can we use more? Undoubtedly. There’s an expression: “I wish I knew then what I know now.”

At my age, I can attest to that without a doubt. I could have accomplished so much more if I had only understood . . . You can add any number of things to that list. It grows longer every day.

Is all wisdom profound (deep, intellectual stuff of legends)? I will go out on a limb and say, “Yes.” One of the very first articles (in January) is on shoes. Seriously? You’ll have to read it to see if I’m right.

Here’s a common misunderstanding. There is NO one source of wisdom. To some, I may have just committed religious heresy. Let me explain.

The world has evolved since our global books of scripture and wisdom were written. We have all taken the wisdom from these magnificent books; modern scholars and regular folks like you and me have expanded on what was previously thought.

The Challenge

Each of you has learned wisdom over your life. It may be that the wisdom you’ve learned is just what someone else needs. Here’s how you can help:



DR Rawson - The Possibilist
Dancing Elephants Press

A retired serial entrepreneur, writer, author, and editor committed to the Human Intelligence movement. Please join us.