Outwardly Gaze

Soul’s Speak

Dancing Elephants Press
2 min readFeb 12, 2023


Photo by Laurenz Kleinheider on Unsplash

Looking at the world, infinitely

I forget that I, exist

I mix up the two so easily

I often fall into the trap of believing the seen

but there is a world of the unseen too

behind the success stories

the unsaid unseen stories of pain, neglect, and suffering remain

while the light is seen, in obvious ways

darkness hides in the crevices of smiles

or the dry moisture of countless eyes

getting lost in an external world

is easy, and requires no skill

but to go within

to go in,

will take all the will and stillness it takes

to sit with that pain, the grief, the sadness, the fear

will require me to surrender to the insecurity,

surrender to the flow of life!

I genuinely enjoy reading the authors below. I am sure you have read them in your time on Medium. Their writing is in sync with the flow of life and nature. Here we go:

By — Dr. Preeti Singh

(Whenever I have given up on things that make me happy, I know I am spiralling down mentally and emotionally. I read her here. It gives me so much oxygen I need. Such people are gifts to their younger peers. Thank you for this write-up Dr Preeti)

By — Leonard Tillerman



Dancing Elephants Press

I am on Medium, to write and be part of a fantastic ever-evolving writer community. Email — neets.miss@gmail.com